Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler by Arthur Jerome Eddy

Author Eddy, Arthur Jerome, 1859–1920 Title Rec­ol­lec­tions and impres­sions of James A. McNeill Whistler  Orig­i­nal Publication Unit­ed States :J.B. Lip­pin­cott Company,1903. Cred­its Chuck Greif and the Online Dis­trib­uted Proof­read­ing Team at (This file was pro­duced from images avail­able at The Inter­net Archive)  Lan­guage Eng­lish Cat­e­go­ry Text EBook-No. 68447 Release Date Jul 2, 2022 Copy­right Status Pub­lic domain in the USA. Down­loads 0 down­loads in the last 30 days. Project Guten­berg books are always free!

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