Lasst uns GPT erschaffen: Von Grund auf, im Code, Schritt für Schritt.


In this YouTube tran­script, the speak­er talks about the Chachi PT sys­tem, which allows users to inter­act with an AI and give it text-based tasks. They give exam­ples of prompts peo­ple have come up with, such as explain­ing HTML to a dog or writ­ing a break­ing news arti­cle about a leaf falling from a tree. The speak­er explains that Chachi PT uses the GPT (Gen­er­a­tive Pre-trained Trans­former) mod­el, which is a lan­guage mod­el that mod­els the sequence of words or characters.

The speak­er then dis­cuss­es the “atten­tion is all you need” paper from 2017, which intro­duced the Trans­former archi­tec­ture used in GPT. They men­tion that the Trans­former archi­tec­ture end­ed up being wide­ly used in AI appli­ca­tions due to its effec­tive­ness. The speak­er also men­tions that they have cre­at­ed a repos­i­to­ry called Nano GPT, which is a sim­ple imple­men­ta­tion for train­ing Trans­form­ers on any giv­en text dataset.

The speak­er explains that they will demon­strate how to train a Trans­former-based lan­guage mod­el from scratch using the tiny Shake­speare dataset. They show how you can gen­er­ate infi­nite Shake­speare-like text once the mod­el is trained. They also men­tion that the code for train­ing Trans­form­ers is avail­able on the Nano GPT GitHub repository.

Over­all, the speak­er aims to help view­ers under­stand how the Chachi PT sys­tem and GPT mod­els work, using Python and basic knowl­edge of cal­cu­lus and statistics.
