ChatGPT Leitfaden | Erhalte mehr als 100 Antworten auf einmal | Zapier Tutorial für die OpenAI API


In this video, the pre­sen­ter shows how to use Zapi­er to con­nect the Chat­G­PT API with a Google Sheet in order to ask mul­ti­ple ques­tions and get mul­ti­ple respons­es at once. The first step is to cre­ate a Google Sheet with two fields: a video descrip­tion field and an AI gen­er­at­ed hook field. Then, using Zapi­er, the pre­sen­ter sets up an automa­tion that trig­gers the AI to gen­er­ate the hook when­ev­er the video descrip­tion is updat­ed in the Google Sheet. The gen­er­at­ed hooks are then auto­mat­i­cal­ly pop­u­lat­ed back into the Google Sheet.

Here is a step-by-step break­down of the process:

1. Cre­ate a Google Sheet:
— Add two fields: video descrip­tion and AI gen­er­at­ed hook.
— The goal is to type in or gen­er­ate mul­ti­ple video descrip­tions and have the AI auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­ate the hooks.

2. Set up Zapi­er automation:
— Cre­ate a new Zap in Zapier.
— Choose Google Sheets as the first ser­vice and select the event of updat­ing a spread­sheet row.
— Con­nect your Google Sheets account and choose the Google Sheet you created.
— Select the col­umn that trig­gers the automa­tion (video description).
— Test the trig­ger to make sure it finds the updat­ed row.

3. Con­nect to the Chat­G­PT API:
— In Zapi­er, select the sec­ond ser­vice as OpenAI’s API (using the DaVin­ci 3 model).
— Set the prompt as gen­er­at­ing a Tik­Tok hook for the video description.
— Dynam­i­cal­ly include the video descrip­tion from the Google Sheet.
— Set the tem­per­a­ture set­ting to con­trol the cre­ativ­i­ty of the AI-gen­er­at­ed responses.
— Test the prompt to see the gen­er­at­ed text.

4. Update the Google Sheet with the gen­er­at­ed hook:
— Add anoth­er step in the Zapi­er automa­tion to update the Google Sheet row with the gen­er­at­ed hook.
— Choose the same Google Sheet and worksheet.
— Set the row to be dynam­i­cal­ly updat­ed (the row that was just updat­ed in the pre­vi­ous step).
— Choose the hook field to be updat­ed with data from the Ope­nAI API.
— Test the update to see the hook pop­u­lat­ed in the Google Sheet.

5. Pub­lish the Zap:
— Rename the Zap to describe the open AI con­nec­tion for Tik­Tok hooks.
— Con­firm that the Zap is work­ing by adding new video descrip­tions and ver­i­fy­ing that the hooks are gen­er­at­ed and pop­u­lat­ed in the Google Sheet.

The pre­sen­ter empha­sizes that this method allows users to scale up their use of AI with­out cod­ing knowl­edge and show­cas­es the poten­tial for ask­ing and answer­ing mul­ti­ple ques­tions using the Chat­G­PT model.
