Alice Russell: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

There’s noth­ing restrained about Alice Russell’s per­for­mance. It’s emo­tion­al­ly fiery from the start and gets hot­ter and grit­ti­er, espe­cial­ly when she’s singing “To Dust,” the title track to her first new album in almost five years.

Alice Rus­sell is a clas­sic soul infused singer — close your eyes and it’s easy to hear a south­ern drawl, but sur­pris­ing­ly, she’s a Brit. Amer­i­can infused R&B from Britain has a long his­to­ry going back to the 1960s with Dusty Spring­field and includ­ing 21st cen­tu­ry artists like Adele and Alice Rus­sell. Alice Rus­sell also tends to include a dose of elec­tron­i­ca in her arrange­ments. Rus­sell has been mak­ing great soul music for 10 plus years. To Dust is her fifth album. Which may be the only rea­son too many peo­ple don’t yet know this artist. This stuff is as pow­er­ful as any Amer­i­can singer singing soul in the 21st cen­tu­ry. Maybe this is your well over­due intro­duc­tion –BOB BOILEN


“To Dust”
“For A While”


Pro­duc­er: Bob Boilen
Edi­tor: Park­er Miles Blohm
Audio Engi­neer: Kevin Wait
Video­g­ra­phers: Gabriel­la Dem­czuk, Gabriel­la Gar­cia-Par­do, Marie McGrory

